

Ni havas unu liberan lokon por volontuli kadre de Eŭropa Volontula Servo ĉe E@I por junuloj de Eŭropa Unio! Volontuladon eblas komenci jam ekde julio 2017 aŭ poste, laŭ interkonsento. Aliĝu al nia internacia teamo! Legu pli en nia blogo.


E@I serĉas novan volontulon! Se vi estas inter 18- kaj 30-jara, parolas almenaŭ iomete Esperanton, pretas loĝi 12 monatojn en Slovakio kaj devenas de ekstereŭropunia lando, vi povas fariĝi volontulo ekde la 1-a de oktobro 2015. Legu pli pri tio en nia blogo.


E@I hodiaŭ fariĝas 10-jara! Vi povas legi en nia blogo raporton pri la historio de E@I kaj ĝiaj projektoj, defioj kaj sukcesoj dum tiuj dek jaroj.


E@I is looking for a new volunteer! If you are between 18 and 30 years old, speak at least some Esperanto, are ready to move to Slovakia for 12 months and come from a country outside Europe, you could become a volunteer starting in March or April. Learn more on our blog.


Our team is getting bigger! Thanks to the European Voluntary Service, four new volunteers came to join us in Partizánske, where they will be working for a year: Rasmus from Sweden, Matthias from Germany, Anna from Poland and Alberto from Italy. We wish them success and an enjoyable volunteering experience.


Two large educational websites were launched in September: and is part of the "Global E-learning" project, dedicated to globalization and its many facets (e.g. the world economy, human rights, poverty...). is a new website aimed at promoting multilingualism. Its goal is to present the EU's official languages in a concise and appealing way, as well as to provide basic knowledge about linguistics in an interesting format.
Both websites are available in a variety of languages for free.


You are invited to the next Summer Esperanto Studies (SES). This year, it will happen twice: in Nitra, Slovakia (12-20th of July 2014) and near Moscow, Russia (17-25th of August 2014). Come and learn something new while having a good time! You can find the last news on the official website and on social networks: SES SK on Facebook, SES RU on Facebook, SES on VKontakte. We hope to see you during SES!


Wikimedia CEE meeting 2013 will happen between the 14th and 17th of November 2013 in Modra, Slovakia. It is a meeting of Wikimedia users and activists from Central and Eastern Europe. This meeting is organized by Wikimedia Slovakia and E@I and 40-50 Wikimedia activists from several countries will attend. This meeting is supported by the Wikimedia Foundation as well as some national Wikimedia organizations. The special project "V4 for Wikipedia" is also supported by the Visegrád Foundation.


SES 2013 is over! We hope that all participants enjoyed it as much as we did. Details about the meeting (pictures, statistics, etc.) are coming soon. Before then, we recommend everyone to watch the first YouTube video of SES with "Kaŝi" (Carsten from Germany), who became the star of the international evening, or even of the whole SES. Enjoy at least a little part of the last evening.


E@I will activtely participate in the Polyglot conference in Budapest! It will happen this weekend and several Esperantists will attend; at least 7 (from 130 participants), 5 of which will give talks. E@I will participate in the event by giving to talks in English, one about E@I projets and the other about Esperanto in general. The talks of the conference will be filmed and will appear on the Internet later for free watching. E@I also became a partner of the meeting, its logo can be found in the list of sponsors.


E@I and GrammarSoft are looking for people who have experience with Wikipedia and/or translation. From the 1st to the 5th of May, there will be in workshop in Partizánske, Slovakia, to teach how to contribute to Wikipedia with the help of WikiTrans (a tool to translate Wikipedia from English to Esperanto). There will also be discussions about about organization and technical aspects. Participation, accomodation and breakfast are free, maybe more depending on the subventions. Register by e-mail at or inform interested people about the event!


Since the 1st of February 2013, E@I has a new employee! The president of PEJ (Young Polish Esperantists), Dorota Rodzianko from Poland, is working for the organization in Partizánske, Slovakia. Some of her main tasks are the administration of EU projects, organization of Esperanto events and financial management. In 2012 she was an Internet in E@I's office, and now she is back as a team member. Thanks to her help, E@I will be able to realize more projects and work more efficiently!


Peter Baláž, the 33-year-old coordinator of E@I (since 2005) was chosen as the Esperantist of the year, after a poll in the magazine La Ondo de Esperanto. The board of E@I sincerely congratulates him! Read an interview with Peter…


E@I invites everyone to participate in its second international event in this year – KAEST 2012, taking place very soon, on 15-18 November 2012. KAEST is a Conference on the Application of Esperanto in Science and Technology. The venue is in Modra-Harmónia, a Slovak town located merely 30 km far from the capital of Bratislava and 90 km far from Vienna. The main topic of KAEST 2012 is "modern methods and technologies in education". See for details and registration.


The Summer Esperanto Course (SES 2012), which happened in Nitra, Slovakia, and which was also the 5th meeting of lernu! users, is over. 250 people from 23 countries attended the meeting. There were courses for 10 groups of various language level, with a record number of 14 teachers. There was also a "Flugiloj" seminar and CEFR examinations. SES 2012 was mentioned in various Slovak medias, and radio interviews are in preparation. You can see pictures taken by participants that illustrate the perfect atmosphere of SES on Picasa.


111 people from 22 countries have already signed up for Summer Esperanto Study (SES), which E@I is organizing for 21-29 July in Piešťany, Slovakia. The event is also joined by a physical meeting of the users of the lernu! website. In conjuction with SES, the seminar "Flugiloj de malfacila vento" will also take place for those who are interested in teaching. In addition, it will be possible to take CEFR exams in Esperanto for the levels B1, B2, and C1. You can find more information on the event, and a sign up form, here.


E@I is looking for new interns! If you are interested, contact us (details in the following link). If you know someone who might want to participate, please send the information to these people/clubs. Help us find an intern (or become an intern yourself :) ) and you will help the Esperanto community to grow, be active and become more professional. It doesn't have to be an internship during the summer: it can be for 3 to 12 months and can happen at any time from June to September of the following year. Usually, students take one or two semesters off and use them for an internship, because the university gives points for internships; it is also possible to be an intern only for the summer, if the minimal duration of the internship is respected. More information here.


191 people from 28 countries took part in Nitra, Slovakia, in the fourth Summer Esperanto Course (SES), a real-life meeting of users of the website lernu!. Eight teachers led Esperanto lessons for all level in the mornings; in the afternoons there was a rich cultural and educational program and excursions. Because of this success, we are planning next year's SES in the same place, but we are also thinking about organizing similar meetings in other continents. See a photo gallery of SES 2011.


During the 96th World Esperanto Congress in Copenhagen, E@I activists presented to a hundred of people the activities of the organization during the "educational Monday", and the evolution of Wikipedia in another lecture. On Friday, E@I organized the Terminological forum. During the whole week, representants of the association were in the E@I stand. Before the congress, two board members took part in the same city in a symposium about "languages of scientific communication and education" organized by ILEI. Articles as well as pictures of the congress and the symposium have been published online.


In July, 2011, E@I published a collection of 34 lectures, talks and presentations given during the conference KAEST 2010. The book contains 33 full lecture texts by 27 people, in 323 pages. It can be bought on the UEA bookstore and can be ordered directly from E@I (for €9 only). The following KAEST will happen in November, 2012. Details about the meeting will be soon available on its website.


On the 21st of July 2011, the third edition of the DVD Esperanto Elektronike was presented for the first time during the ILEI conference in Copenhagen. 6,000 copies have been edited. It contains many new materials (Esperanto magazines, books, music, movies, dictionaries, etc.) and is available for the excellent price of only €1 (if you order 50 copies or more)! If you haven't already ordered the disc but would like to buy it, contact us at


Matthieu Desplantes, French student of computer science, began to work as a new E@I intern in Slovakia. In the beginning of July the Spaniard Juan Diego Díaz Bautista and the Czech Miroslav Hruška will join him and they will work together during the summer in the new E@I office in Partizánske.


140 people from 30 countries have already signed up for Summer Esperanto Study (SES), which E@I is organizing for 30 July – 7 August in Nitra, Slovakia. The event is also joined by a physical meeting of the users of the lernu! website. In conjuction with SES, the seminar "Flugiloj de malfacila vento" will also take place for those who are interested in teaching. In addition, it will be possible to take CEFR exams in Esperanto for the levels B1, B2, and C1. You can find more information on the event, and a sign up form, here.


The website, allowing to learn the Slovak language and know Slovakia, its culture and history, has been launched. It is the first initiative of E@I based on the website lernu! (to learn Esperanto), funded by a subvention of the agency EACEA.


E@I will be presented during the youth new year's gathering JES in Burg (Germany). There will be three talks and a training seminar on the topic of modern journalism. A search for new interns among European students will also begin.


Five years ago, E@I was officially registered as a non-profit non-governmental youth organization in Slovakia. In its most recent news, since September 2010, Marek Blahuš has been working as a full-time E@I intern in France. You can read about it in more detail in the blog or in the press release.


The 14th Conference on Application of Esperanto in Science and Technology (KAEST) will take place in Modra-Harmónia (Slovakia), organized for the first time by E@I. The main topic is "Modern technologies for Esperanto". You can read more about that in the website of KAEST 2010, where you will also be able to download the talks and other materials after the event.


E@I, in collaboration with SAT, is preparing a project for an internet PIV (Plena Ilustrita Vortaro). To bring this project to fruition, E@I has launched a donation campaign to support the creation of an online PIV. Please visit the PIV homepage for more information.


109 people from 33 countries have already signed up for Summer Esperanto Study (SES), which E@I is organizing for 2-10 July in Piešťany, Slovakia. The event is also joined by a physical meeting of the users of the lernu! website. In conjuction with SES, the seminar "Flugiloj de malfacila vento" will also take place for those who are interested in teaching. In addition, it will be possible to take CEFR exams in Esperanto for the levels B1, B2, and C1. You can find more information on the event, and a sign up form, here.


Sabla Printempo[Sandy Spring]: E@I is a partner during the training seminar in Písek, Czech Republic, organized by CEA – Czech Esperanto Association and CEJ (9.-11.4.2010). Two board members (Peter Baláž and Marek Blahuš) spoke about E@I activities and guided practical training, mainly on the topics of digitization of materials (books, pictures, documents) and about video editing (subtitling films) Some photographs of the event can be viewed at our photo gallery.


In March, E@I wrote two funding requests for new EU projects. The first, called "", is about the reconstruction and recreation of the contents of the website, which according to the plan, should introduce all of the official EU languages.
The second project "Homaj rajtoj iom alimaniere" is intended to be a training seminar with the goal of creating a multilingual website with various useful and important materials related to human rights. We will inform you of the progress of these funding requests as we hear back.


From 3-5 December 2009, the first work session for the project Slovak Online took place in Modra, Slovakia. The project's main goal is to create a multilingual website for learning Slovak. The individual project partners (from Slovakia, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, and Great Britain) introduced themselves, discussed the project in detail, and defined and divided up tasks for the next few months. The next reeting should happen from 18-21 March in Lithuania. Immediately following the work session, a small E@I conference was held on 6-7 December.


E@I has gained its first employee! Katarína Nosková (also current president of SKEJ) has been working for E@I full time, starting on November 1st, 2009. Her main tasks will be the project "Slovak Online", writing funding proposals, administrative tasks, and correspondence.


From the 9th through the 17th of October, 2009, E@I , co-organized a training session as one of the three partners of the 2-year Grudtvig project "ESPERANTO 55+". The seminar took place in Herzberg am Harz – the Esperanto city (Germany), thanks to the financial support of the EU (the EACEA agency). E@I (Peter Baláž, Jevgenij Gaus) lectured about ways to use technology during language instruction, acquainted course participants with the website lernu! and gave advice on how to use it in teaching and promotion of Esperanto. You can find a photo gallery here.


Somera Esperanto-Studado (SES = Summer Esperanto Study) will take place July 10-17 2009 in the city Modra-Harmónia, Slovakia. It will be the second meeting of lernu! users, helpers, and creators. Be sure to sign up! More info here.


During the EEU congress in Germany from May 28 to June 3 2009 there will be various lectures by E@I activists. The presentations will cover E@I activities,, Vikipedio, and various computer-related subjects. More about the congress here.


During the weekend April 3-5, 2009, 3 board members of E@I lectured and taught 30 participants during the event "Sabla Printempo" (Sandy Spring) in the Czech city Písek. The subject was "Esperanto and Internet" and digital materials were covered in 4 sections: texts, photos, sounds and videos. The event aims to be annual and bring new knowledge to activists which they can use in their later activities.


E@I sent a request for funding to Brussels - EACEA for the projects of life-long learning. The first, named "Type!" is to create a multilingual website to instruct proper 10-finger typing for many languages and keyboards in a fun playful form. The second project "Slovak Online" would be a multilingual portal for learning the Slovakian language online - this projects is inspired by the already successful site lernu!. Results about the acceptance or rejection of the projects will be known at the end of June.


The DVD video "Esperanto estas..." (an informative documentary film about Esperanto) has finally been published. In 43 minutes and 6 chapters the film presents various aspects of the international language Esperanto - its history, community, movement, grammar, culture, ... The film is also viewable on the web (in multiple languages) here. More about the DVD here.


Historian and wikipedian Ziko van Dijk is the author of a new work about Vikipedio. The book "Vikipedio por vi" (Wikipedia for you" was published by E@I at the end of November 2008 and is available from the book service of UEA. Or for larger orders, contact


E@I launched a new website about its DVD projects. Its main goal is to inform about the projects, permitting more understanding about their contents and goals. The website currently has information about 2 recent projects: a DVD-ROM "Esperanto elektronike" and a DVD-video "Esperanto estas..." Both DVDs are for sale and can also be ordered via the website.


During the Congress of Journalists in Vilnius at the end of May 2008, E@I presented its newest publication: Komputeko. This is an English-Esperanto lexicon - a professionally printed and bound booklet in A5 format, with 96 pages and translations of more than 7500 terms and expressions related to computers. The work will soon be available from various book sellers; for purchasing larger quantities, it is also available directly from E@I: More information here.


During the Language Festival in Leuven (Belgium)
E@I gave a talk about the group's activities and also passed out informational materials. We are an official partner of the festival. You can find photos here. From the 25th to the 27th of September E@I will organize a huge language festival in Bratislava. This will be the third occurrence for that festival. We'll be sure to keep you informed.


In the middle of February in Poznan, Poland was held a very intense meeting about a proposed multilingual news-site, which as currently planned, will contain current events and professionally written news pertaining to Esperanto. The attendees consisted of representatives from TEJO and UEA, as well as the E@I team, which was responsible for the coordination of the working meeting. You can find an introduction to that project at


At the end of February we updated the database of the Komputeko website. Now there are more than 6600 translations of computer terminology in Esperanto, 5000 in Dutch, 3700 in French, and 3450 in German. E@I plans to publish the first paper version soon.


At the start of January 2008 E@I signed a contract with the mayor of Białystok for the creation of a multimedia disc which, by means of a Flash game, presents and teaches Esperanto to the Polish public. The second largest Polish newspaper, "Gazeta Wyborcza" will distribute the CD free of charge in two of its issues. The quantity of distributed CD's is projected to be 400,000 copies.


In the summer of 2008 E@I will publish a DVD video about the various features of the Esperanto movement. The first two parts of "Esperanto is..." are viewable now at the!


An E@I meeting took place in Kaunas, Lithuania. The aim was to plan the activities of the organization for the future. The first three days were dedicated to lernu!, the other three to various projects and plans.


During the spring Open Day at the Center Office of UEA, the Wikipedia Manual published in cooperation with E@I was presented, followed by a practical demonstration. The manual became the second most sold book of that day.


The distribution of the pre-ordered copies of the DVD Esperanto Elektronike, whose 2nd edition just appeared, has started. If you are interested in purchasing, please contact E@I.

Copyright © 2005-2025 E@I. All rights reserved.