
Here are some of our projects:

…life-long learning

Traveler between wor(l)ds

Target group: plurlingvaj infanoj, iliaj gepatroj kaj instruistoj, lingvemuloj

La celgrupo de jena projekto (2016-2019) estas plurlingvaj infanoj. Tipa ekzemplo estas familioj translokiĝintaj en alian landon, kie la infanoj kreskas en alilingva medio. Kvankam ili kutime rapide adaptiĝas ellernante novan lingvon, ofte estas ĉe ili malzorgata la gepatra lingvo. Ĝuste tiun subtenu nova poŝtelefona aplikaĵo enhavanta dulingvajn allogajn tekstojn pri temoj, kun kiuj la infanoj renkontiĝas dum instruado. Infano tiel progresigas siajn vortprovizon kaj terminologion paralele en ambaŭ lingvoj. Prepariĝas ankaŭ retejo kun utilaj informoj por gepatroj kaj instruistoj de plurlingvaj infanoj.

Target group: immigrants, workers, and university students who want to relocate to Germany or Austria, people living close to their borders, learners, people who need German for their job, tourists, people passionate about languages

Multilingual website for teaching German to non german speakers. The project is supported by the EU agency, EACEA ("lifelong study" program) and will launch in 2013. The website is being created based on the experience with, and other internet projects. There are 8 parteners from 6 countries particpating in the project, and it will be available in 9 languages. – didaktikaj helpiloj por lernejoj

Target group: instruistoj de la germana kiel de fremda lingvo, instruistoj de la germana kiel de dua lingvo

La origina celo de la retejo estis oferti senpagan retan kurson de la germana, uzeblan ne nur por ĉeestaj kursoj, sed ankaŭ por memlernantoj. Danke al tio eblas hodiaŭ ellerni la germanan sen helpo de instruisto. Tiu ĉi projekto (2016-2018) alparolas instruistojn de la germana, kiuj serĉas por siaj lernantoj taŭgajn instrumaterialojn. Prepariĝas por ili informoj pri utiligo de CALL-metodo en lernejoj, en ĉiu leciono disponeblos elŝuteblaj ekzercoj kaj ludoj adaptitaj por lerneja medio.

Russian Online

Target group: Immigrants, foreign nationals, students, business people, language enthusiasts

(under construction) A website for self-learning Russian, modeled on the successes of,, and others. It contains complete courses for levels A1 and A2, dictionaries, grammar articles, and listening and reading materials. For business people, there is a preparatory section with useful information about business in Russia. The project is being built under the Erasmus+ programme.

IpuS - Let’s talk about Porno

Target group: Parents, teachers, youth-workers, social educators

This provocatively named project aims to draw attention to the dangers of online pornography and sexting for children and teenagers. Sexting is the mutual sending and receiving of intimate photos of oneself or others which, though often considered safe by young people, can hinder healthy development and lead to cyber-bullying (sharing of intimate images online, pressure/blackmail, persecution). The project is aimed primarily at parents wanting their children to be able to use the internet safely and responsibly.

Schau hin

Target group: Parents, teachers, youth workers, social educators

This project acts as a continuation of the project "Cybermobbing", extending the content of to cover modern issues such as sexting and personal data protection, problems which pose the biggest threat to children and young people. The website contains educational modules for social educators and anyone else who works with young people.

Target group: Immigrants, residents of border territories, students, language hobbyists

A multilingual website to teach the Slovak language to foreigners. The project is supported by the EU agency EACEA ("Lifelong learning" program) and was launched in March 2011. The website was built on the basis of experience gained in and other Internet projects. The second phase of the project began in November 2013; a B-level course and some new features will be added.


Target group: Young people using the Internet/mobile phones, their parents and teachers

"Cybermobbing" is a non-language project. During two years, a multilingual website will be created with instructions, information and warnings about the dangers of the digital world, primarily intended for children and teenagers. This project is completely compatible with the activities of E@I, which is specialized in "Education on the Internet" — thus educating young people about the dangers of the Internet (and the people who misuse it) is a really appropriate and relevant initiative in today's world.


Target group: Future doctors in the Czech Republic, language lovers in general, Slovaks interested in the Czech language

This project will consist in creating a website to teach a language closely related to Slovak, Czech. General A1 and A2 courses, a B1 course for future doctors and a special course for Slovaks will be available. The coordinator, the language center of Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic), was inspired by the E@I projects for German and Slovak. The center also helped translating to Czech, which gave them the idea to create a similar project for their own language. It will be possible to learn Czech through several languages.

Target group: People interested in language in general

A multilingual website will teach about languages, promote existing web-based courses, and demonstrate that languages can be both fun and useful.

Global E-learning

Target group: Youth and adults

A multilingual online course aims to provide information about issues related to globalised and interdependent world

Speak and Learn

Target group: Erasmus, Leonardo or Comenius Exchange Students

A multi-language interactive audio-visual application for learning languages. The application will enable a learner to learn the necessary language at level A1 and is possible access of level A2.


Target group: People who want to do business with Spanish companies

A project to teach the Spanish language (with an emphasis on business language) and deliver practical advice for business with Spanish companies. E@I is a partner in the project, responsible for the Slovak and Czech parts. The project is supported by the EU agency EACEA ("Lifelong learning" program) and with the participation of partners from Bulgaria, Spain, Latvia, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia.

Esperanto 55+

Target group: Esperanto teachers, universities of the third age, 55+ people

This two-year (2009-2011) project is aimed to the formation of older people and its main goal is to prepare a team of Esperanto teachers for Universities of the Third Age. New teachers began to teach in Polish universities in autumn 2011.

…European voluntary service

Jazyky i kultúry – naživo i cez internet

Target group: People interested in language in general

Projekt „Jazyky i kultúry – naživo i cez internet“ pokryl krajiny programu Slovensko, Poľsko a Taliansko. Prebiehal v meste Partizánske a okolí od 01.03.2016 do 31.05.2017. Počas 12 mesiacov Edukácia@Internet hosťovala 2 dobrovoľníkov z Poľska a Talianska. Cieľom projektu bolo navzájom prepojiť online jazykové vzdelávanie s komunikáciou v reálnom živote pri aktívnej osobnej účasti učiacich sa.

Edukácia a internet – dvojica, ktorá mení svet

Target group: People interested in language in general

Dobrovoľníctvom za svetové Slovensko

Target group: People interested in language in general

Vzdelávaním cez internet pomáhame svetu

Target group: People interested in language in general

Volunteers in the whirlpool of Global Slovakia

Target group: People interested in language in general

This project gives young people from other countries a chance to take part in the biggest and greatest projects of E@I in recent years. This includes international projects within the life-long learning programme, and preparing for the 101st Universal Congress of Esperanto in Nitra

Wikipedia to volunteers, volunteers to Slovakia

This project gives volunteers a unique chance to gain a detailed understanding of the function and principles of Wikipedia and it's associated projects (Wikimedia Commons, Wiktionary, Wikiquote etc.), and learn about the many possibilities Wikipedia presents.

Language learning (not only) through the Internet

Target group: People interested in language in general

E@I's second project as part of the European Voluntary Service. Four volunteers from Sweden, Germany, Poland and Italy will have the unique opportunity to participate in large, international E@I projects involving both multilingualism and information technology. The goal is to bring together Web-based language learning and real-life communication.

E-learning in practice

Target group: language lovers in general

The first European Voluntary Service project of E@I. Two volunteers from Turkey and France help to organize a language café in the town of Partizánske, to make the modern technologies closer to people and link online learning with our everyday lives.

…other useful websites


Target group: People who wish to learn a new language

Home of a multilingual Esperanto course, aimed at those who are interested in learning Esperanto. As well as courses at different levels, the site contains, to give examples, dictionaries, a grammatical overview, spoken stories with pictures, an instant messenger and more.

Toki pona

Target group: people interested in the Toki Pona language, language lovers in general

Toki Pona is a philosophical language with about a hundred speakers worldwide. Unlike other planned languages, its aim is not to be an international language, but to be used as a means of communication built on the most basic ideas, without the complications of contemporary life. In July 2013, the first printed textbook was published. This websites give you all 76 lessons of the book with other materials that cannot appear in the book.

Bonan Apetiton

RidejoTarget group: vegetarians, vegans and gourmets in general :)

Apetito is a new website about cooking in Esperanto. It contains recipes as well as articles about cooking, healthy food and related topics. The most visible feature of Apetito is the possibility for its users to add their own recipes or interesting articles about cooking and food.


RidejoTarget group: Anyone who likes to laugh!

Ridejo is a website for jokes and memes in Esperanto. Visitors to the site can upvote the ones that make them laugh, and also upload their own content. We look forward to your submissions!


DrakojTarget group: Gamers, Half-orcs, Black magic sorcerers, Paladins etc.

This website explains the basic rules of the fantasy game Pathfinder in Esperanto. Pathfinder is a table role-playing game in which the Game Master describes the events of the game world, and the players take turns describing how their characters respond.

Reta PIV

Target group: Esperantists who want to use the language correctly

An online and free of charge version of the "Plena Ilustrita Vortaro de Esperanto" was launched on the 4th of April, 2012. This electronic version of the famous dictionary "PIV" was possible thanks to the collaboration of SAT and E@I and the donations of Esperantists.


Target group: Translators and authors of computer related texts

The computer related terms collection is a portal of computer related terms in as many languages as possible, created in order to promote correct language usage and face the use of (often crippled forms of) US English terms.


Target group: people who like reading and literature, historians

Online electronic archive of Esperanto materials such as books, documents and pictures. The aim is to conserve works with a literary value and save them from disappearing. contains only works for which author rights or copyrights are not valid anymore, or that the author himself allowed to be used freely in electronic format.

Esperanto Elektronike

The DVD "Esperanto elektronike" is the most comprehensive and colourful resource about the international language Esperanto. It caters for everyone: for Esperantists, it provides lots of interesting E-resources (books, articles, music...), for non-Esperantists, it provides information about Esperanto and contains courses, dictionaries etc. It is now also available online.

The CD "Esperanto"

The CD "Esperanto, product of a collaboration between E@I and the city Bialystok, was released with the Polish daily Gazeta Wyborcza on September 10th 2008, and remains the most published E-resource about Esperanto (over 400,000 copies). The disc is in two languages, Polish and Esperanto, and aims to present Esperanto to the general public through fun games. The content is now available online.

The Brochure "Malkovru Esperanton"

The webpage for the project behind the brochure Malkovru Esperanton , a modern brochure about Esperanto published in multiple languages. It includes information about the history of the language, its modern-day use, important organisations, and current events. Size B5, colour, 24 pages, published in 15 languages. PDF available here

Multlingva retejo pri la vivo kaj verko de L. L. Zamenhof, kreita okaze de la 100-a datreveno de lia morto.

…currently not updated

Lingva Prismo

Target group: People interested in language in general

A website about language diversity which presents a variety of the world's languages and alphabets and encourages the learning of facts about languages through an online quiz. The original website is being rebuilt within the framework of the project


Target group: People interested in learning about other cultures

Interkulturo is a project which facilitates cultural exchange between groups located throughout the world - to get in touch, get to know each other and exchange questions, doubts, knowledge, interests.

Nitobe Centre

Target group: Persons concerned in language democracy

The Nitobe Center for language democracy promotes public debate about international communication and equal language politics, particularly in the European Union.


Target group: Journalists and others interested in Esperanto

A multilingual free website and information portal about the international language Esperanto and its culture: grammar, history, movement, and so forth. Much of the page consists of news about Esperanto, language politics, and related topics. In collaboration with many Esperantists across the world, we are striving to include in this page the most important and current information about everything that Esperanto speakers deem important.

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