Parto 2

(Se aperas demandosignoj malsupre tio signifas ke la traduko ne estas (fin)farita en la elektita lingvo. Por vidi la subtekstojn en alia lingvo, uzu la supran falmenuon.)

Lingvo: English (en)

00:00:09:00 00:00:14:04 Esperanto is a language with many traits.
00:00:22:14 00:00:24:13 Esperanto is...
00:00:26:19 00:00:28:18 INTERNATIONAL
00:00:29:18 00:00:35:06 Esperanto is most useful for communication among people from many countries,
00:00:35:06 00:00:38:15 when they don't have a common mother tongue.
00:00:41:02 00:00:45:17 The word roots in Esperanto come mostly from European languages,
00:00:45:23 00:00:48:24 but the grammar and the way of building words
00:00:49:00 00:00:52:24 have many similarities with other language families.
00:00:56:14 00:00:59:24 NEUTRAL
00:01:01:02 00:01:04:05 It belongs to no particular people or country,
00:01:04:13 00:01:07:24 and because of that it functions as a neutral language.
00:01:10:05 00:01:15:04 Esperanto doesn't impose the culture of any specific nation or ethnicity on others,
00:01:15:12 00:01:17:03 but can be used to teach about them
00:01:17:11 00:01:21:14 and in addition, has its own international culture.
00:01:28:22 00:01:31:12 EQUAL
00:01:32:14 00:01:37:14 When you use Esperanto you feel that you're the equal of the person you're talking to, at least in terms of language.
00:01:37:22 00:01:41:05 Compare this with speaking with someone, for example, in Chinese
00:01:41:09 00:01:44:11 when their native language is Chinese
00:01:46:19 00:01:49:03 Thanks to that, everyone has equal rights.
00:01:51:23 00:01:54:05 EASIER
00:01:54:19 00:01:58:04 Thanks to the structure and construction of the language,
00:01:58:14 00:02:01:24 it is normally much easier to master Esperanto,
00:02:02:01 00:02:04:21 than a foreign language that belongs to a particular country or ethnic group.
00:02:07:16 00:02:10:08 Well, I studied Esperanto for three months.
00:02:10:26 00:02:12:29 After that, I didn't have to study it anymore.
00:02:13:04 00:02:15:22 I just practise from time to time.
00:02:15:23 00:02:17:14 It's really easy!
00:02:21:15 00:02:23:12 LIVING
00:02:24:02 00:02:28:03 Esperanto lives and evolves just like other languages,
00:02:28:03 00:02:33:22 and with it you can express all aspects of human thought and feelings.
00:02:34:02 00:02:35:24 If yes, don't join.
00:02:37:05 00:02:38:09 No, no.
00:02:39:02 00:02:40:22 I warmly greet you.
00:02:40:25 00:02:41:25 I think,
00:02:42:00 00:02:43:01 I think,
00:02:43:14 00:02:44:18 so.
00:02:47:07 00:02:49:21 RELATIVELY YOUNG
00:02:50:09 00:02:54:04 The creator of Esperanto, Ludovik Lazar Zamenhof,
00:02:54:10 00:02:58:01 developed the basis of the language over many years
00:02:58:08 00:03:01:11 and presented it in 1887.
00:03:02:28 00:03:06:03 Many people began learning the language immediately after that,
00:03:06:15 00:03:12:10 and in 1905 the first international congress of Esperanto was held.
00:03:12:22 00:03:16:11 Ever since then, the language has evolved and developed
00:03:16:14 00:03:19:01 as other languages do.
00:03:24:20 00:03:26:24 UNIQUE
00:03:26:27 00:03:28:28 One person initiated the language;
00:03:29:04 00:03:31:28 it came alive and became a living language
00:03:32:07 00:03:37:06 thanks to its usefulness and to those who learned and used it.
00:03:37:21 00:03:42:26 Now Esperanto is a fully functional language and beloved by many people.
00:03:43:14 00:03:48:14 That evolution presents a unique phenomenon in the history of mankind!
00:03:50:05 00:03:52:15 Look! The atmosphere! It's so good...
00:03:52:21 00:03:54:20 ...that you can't forget it.
00:03:58:11 00:04:00:24 RICH
00:04:01:21 00:04:03:16 At first glance, something that's easy or simple
00:04:03:16 00:04:07:24 seems to be less sophisticated than something complicated.
00:04:08:11 00:04:14:03 Many people wrongly believe that because it is so simple, Esperanto must be unsophisticated.
00:04:14:08 00:04:16:02 However, thanks to its structure,
00:04:16:08 00:04:19:03 Esperanto is actually a rich language.
00:04:19:14 00:04:22:11 It is possible to combine language elements almost limitlessly.
00:04:22:21 00:04:27:06 Paradoxical though it may seem, it is possible to be both simple and sophisticated,
00:04:27:15 00:04:28:25 but that's how it is.
00:04:32:27 00:04:37:16 Because it's truly wonderful that you can use it to express any subtle idea effectively,
00:04:37:23 00:04:41:05 by adding the right suffixes and prefixes.
00:04:41:07 00:04:44:00 But in Esperanto it's just so much easier.
00:04:46:22 00:04:49:02 A CULTURAL LANGUAGE
00:04:50:29 00:04:56:00 Many books exist in Esperanto, both original works and translations.
00:04:58:17 00:05:05:25 Singers and bands of many different musical genres use Esperanto as the language of their songs.
00:05:08:18 00:05:12:16 Esperanto is also used as a source of interest in films,
00:05:12:26 00:05:16:20 and some films are made entirely in the language.
00:05:17:19 00:05:19:08 Come away.
00:05:19:19 00:05:21:23 Come with me.
00:05:25:14 00:05:28:03 USEFUL
00:05:29:17 00:05:31:12 While travelling.
00:05:32:03 00:05:34:29 It is so interesting to travel "by means of" Esperanto.
00:05:35:12 00:05:40:21 You can stay in the homes of other Esperanto speakers, often free of charge,
00:05:40:22 00:05:44:27 and in that way, get to know the country or region from within.
00:05:45:09 00:05:48:22 Every year, the Pasporta Servo booklet is published,
00:05:49:00 00:05:53:21 containing the addresses of hosts in more than 90 countries.
00:05:54:19 00:05:56:27 You are able to meet up with people, with local people.
00:05:57:03 00:05:59:23 You see how people live in that place.
00:06:00:00 00:06:02:16 That's what you can do with Pasporta Servo.
00:06:03:03 00:06:06:04 To find penpals and new friends
00:06:06:12 00:06:10:12 To take part in interesting events with an international atmosphere
00:06:10:25 00:06:12:26 Especially the meetings,
00:06:13:04 00:06:19:03 and I will meet up there with friends from my own country and from other countries too.
00:06:19:17 00:06:25:03 For intercultural exchanges in a language which all participants consider "theirs",
00:06:25:12 00:06:29:17 that is, part of their personal cultural identity.
00:06:36:07 00:06:38:23 Learning Esperanto is a good preparation
00:06:38:25 00:06:41:24 for learning other languages more easily and quickly,
00:06:41:29 00:06:45:27 for adults as well as for children.
00:06:46:05 00:06:49:27 In addition, it seems that those who learn Esperanto
00:06:50:01 00:06:53:15 often become interested in learning other languages as well.
00:06:59:13 00:07:02:16 WORKS WELL WITH THE INTERNET
00:07:03:16 00:07:09:25 The internet removes physical distance, and Esperanto removes linguistic distance.
00:07:10:07 00:07:16:23 That's why the internet and Esperanto are a great pair for international communication!
00:07:19:20 00:07:23:17 Both programs and computer games exist in Esperanto.
00:07:24:03 00:07:28:15 The Esperanto-language version of the famous internet encyclopedia Wikipedia
00:07:28:22 00:07:33:18 is the 15th largest in the world by number of articles.
00:07:33:28 00:07:37:01 There are thousands of websites in Esperanto.
00:07:38:02 00:07:42:05 Sometimes it's said that Esperanto is the Linux of languages,
00:07:42:14 00:07:45:29 and that Linux is the Esperanto of the programming world.
00:07:49:12 00:07:52:02 STILL NOT WELL KNOWN
00:07:52:26 00:07:55:16 And because of that, we have this film.

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