Parto 6

(Se aperas demandosignoj malsupre tio signifas ke la traduko ne estas (fin)farita en la elektita lingvo. Por vidi la subtekstojn en alia lingvo, uzu la supran falmenuon.)

Lingvo: English (en)

00:00:09:19 00:00:13:04 Esperanto is the language of the future.
00:00:15:20 00:00:19:19 The idea of an international language is a very old one.
00:00:20:21 00:00:25:22 When Esperanto was first unveiled at the end of the 19th century,
00:00:26:09 00:00:30:28 it was simply one more international language project.
00:00:31:03 00:00:34:22 But after a few years of development
00:00:34:27 00:00:41:02 it became clear that this language would be a lot more than only a "language project".
00:00:42:20 00:00:47:18 Today it is an accepted fact, for all those who actively use Esperanto,
00:00:47:29 00:00:54:09 that the language has proved itself to be an extremely suitable language for international communication.
00:00:54:26 00:00:56:28 It is easier,
00:00:57:02 00:00:59:02 it is more neutral,
00:00:59:13 00:01:02:29 it is fairer than national languages
00:01:03:04 00:01:08:14 and it is more successful than other planned languages.
00:01:08:15 00:01:14:10 Esperanto can solve a definite part of the so called language problem.
00:01:14:11 00:01:18:05 It can facilitate international communication
00:01:18:17 00:01:20:23 in a spirit of equality.
00:01:22:17 00:01:28:04 Because of these advantages, it may come to pass that sooner or later,
00:01:28:09 00:01:33:07 Esperanto will become the official international language of the world
00:01:33:14 00:01:37:16 and will become everyone's second language on top of their mother tongue.
00:01:48:05 00:01:50:05 But revolutionary ideas,
00:01:50:14 00:01:54:10 which advocate power structure changes in the society
00:01:54:12 00:01:56:26 don't spread easily or quickly.
00:01:57:23 00:02:02:02 This has become obvious more than once in the history of mankind.
00:02:02:13 00:02:06:18 Take for example the arabic numbers,
00:02:06:23 00:02:10:11 which are clearly much easier and more practical than roman numerals,
00:02:10:19 00:02:16:14 and yet they were accepted worlwide only after several centuries.
00:02:21:16 00:02:25:28 Those who say that Esperanto is utopian,
00:02:26:11 00:02:31:08 act as though they could foretell the future evolution of mankind.
00:02:31:22 00:02:37:22 For example: Who could foretell at the beginning of 1989
00:02:37:30 00:02:41:20 that the Berlin wall would come down in that year?
00:02:42:07 00:02:48:12 Nobody can say for certain what the world will look like in 20 or 100 years!
00:02:52:15 00:02:56:21 Twenty years ago the internet was barely used,
00:02:56:29 00:03:04:15 and a hundred years ago women did not have the right to vote in the majority of countries.
00:03:24:02 00:03:26:29 Esperanto is almost a philosophy.
00:03:27:15 00:03:30:05 Esperanto is respect.
00:03:31:02 00:03:31:25 Equality.
00:03:32:29 00:03:34:21 Happiness.
00:03:38:24 00:03:41:02 The basic idea of Esperanto
00:03:41:10 00:03:45:01 is about supporting tolerance and respect
00:03:45:07 00:03:49:14 among peoples in different countries and cultures.
00:03:52:27 00:03:57:21 Communication certainly is an essential part of understanding one another
00:03:58:02 00:04:02:07 and when this communication takes place by means of a neutral language,
00:04:02:22 00:04:07:25 that can promote the feeling of meeting on an equal playing field
00:04:09:06 00:04:12:11 and with respect for one another.
00:04:14:12 00:04:18:07 That kind of respectful, intercultural communication
00:04:18:22 00:04:24:05 will hopefully one day be the hallmark of all humanity.
00:04:26:10 00:04:28:16 This is our hope, we
00:04:28:21 00:04:33:09 who worked together to make this film.
00:05:34:21 00:05:37:27 "Esperanto estas" is a film by Edukado@Interreto
00:05:39:01 00:05:42:22 This film was the result of a 3 year collaboration among people from various countries,
00:05:42:24 00:05:46:14 and we achieved this result thanks to Esperanto and the internet.
00:05:47:18 00:05:52:23 Rogener PAVINSKI (Brazil):Montage, filming and text.
00:05:52:27 00:05:57:20 Hokan LUNDBERG (Sweden): Idea,text and coordination
00:05:57:23 00:06:02:19 Petro BALÁŽ (Slovakia): Consulting and filming
00:06:02:22 00:06:07:17 Arono CHAPMAN, Karlina DALEY (Canada): Voiceover
00:06:07:20 00:06:10:29 Martin MINIĤ: voiceover in old version
Bertilo WENNERGREN: Language konsultant
00:06:11:01 00:06:12:22 Ľubomír KROŠLÁK, Katarína KROŠLÁKOVÁ:Filming
00:06:12:26 00:06:14:14 Indré PILECKYTĖ: Interviews
00:06:14:15 00:06:20:26 In Memory of Claude PIRON (1931-2008): Advice and Inspiration
00:06:21:02 00:06:26:05 Detlef KARTHAUS: Translator
00:09:26:14 00:09:27:13 Thank you

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