
(Se aperas demandosignoj malsupre tio signifas ke la traduko ne estas (fin)farita en la elektita lingvo. Por vidi la subtekstojn en alia lingvo, uzu la supran falmenuon.)

Lingvo: English (en)

Part 1 -Esperanto is a language suitable for everything.

Esperanto is a language suitable for international communication, travel,surfing the internet, cross cultural learning, finding new friends, international conventions, free stayovers in foreign countries and much more.

Part 2 -Esperanto is a language with many traits.

Esperanto is a language. It is neutral because it doesn't belong to any single group of people or country. It is international and mainly useful for communication among people from several countries. It is egalitarian and easier to learn than national languages. It evolves and flourishes just like other languages, and can be used to express every aspect of human thought and feeling. It is relatively young, pioneered by Ludoviko Lazaro Zamenhof in 1887. A unique, rich and living language it is highly esteemed by many people throughout the world. Esperanto is still not very well known, so this is the reason for this film.

Part 3 -Esperanto is a language used in many ways.

By simplifying somewhat we can divide Esperanto speakers into different categories:* "the idealists" -believe in Esperanto as an aid for future world peace *"the hedonists"- who enjoy the international festivals and meetings *"the language nerds" who given the chance will always talk about other languages *"the activists"-who like to organize seminars, training sessions, internet sites etc. *"the family focused"- who use Esperanto in their international families. Of course many people belong to several of these categories. Which category do you find most appealing?

Part 4 -Esperanto is worth learning and is learnable by all.

In this part Esperanto speakers from different countries answer the questions: -Why did you learn Esperanto? -Was it easy for you to learn Esperanto? -Is Esperanto useful to you? In addition you will see a presentation of the language and you will also learn a few phrases in Esperanto.

Part 5 -Esperanto is a language with a colourful movement.

E@I, TEJO, ILEI, EEU, UEA, AdE - these are a few of the abbreviations of organizations in the international Esperanto movement. Find out more about them in this part.

Part 6 -Esperanto is the language of the future.

At one time only "eccentrics" thought that the earth goes around the sun or that one day people would be able to fly in a plane. Today only "eccentrics" believe that one day all people will live in peace and will have a common international language beside their own national, regional and local languages. But how "eccentric" are these ideas? How "eccentric" are you? We're quite "eccentric" and proud of it.

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